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Thursday, August 17, 2006

What do I do for a living?

I usually dread this question.

My first answer is "I'm a technical project manager" which usually leads to the quizzical stares of "huh, what's that", which is followed by the barely audible "I see...."

I give up and tell people "I fix computers". That usually gets a more enthusiastic "Hey, I have this problem with pop ups"

At least it makes for less quizzical looks.

For what I do, I'm actually quite lucky. I have a ton of autonomy, work with very smart people, make decisions or facilitate them to drive forward change and innovation in the companies I'm contracted to.

I wonder if I had graduated college would I be in this field?

Anyway, funny anecdote. When my parents are asked about their children, my mother or father will round out the list by saying "Sister #1 is a lawyer, Sister #2 is a teacher, our son, he's into computas..." It's not a career in my parents eyes, it's an above board hobby.

Combined my sisters are short of my yearly income by about 50K. That's great for a hobby!

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