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Friday, November 03, 2006

I feel like the person next to the person who got shot in a drive by

So in my current illustrious cubicle home a peer in my group got the "package".

I was truly betting it was me. I'm surprised somewhat that it wasn't.

He told me that he expected it (seems like we're all under our own death watch) because he didn't have good relationships with some senior managers. Bad things happen to good people. He was good people.

But on the flip side, he's happy! He is getting a sizable pay out to leave. The market is very strong right now. The employment levels are year 1999ish which means that the demand for people in our field is strong. http://money.cnn.com/2006/11/03/markets/stockswatch/index.htm?section=money_latest

He has just got himself a mini lottery winning.

Now, as a fellow dweller, but contractor, I feel a bit of envy. If I get sacked, that's it! No big bonus, no payout, just a high five and a kick in the ass.

But then again, I've never been sacked, other than one time in a very bad company. Hey wait, I won that lottery too, but it was only a two month severance. Not the payout my friend is getting.

So, for now I'm safe, but who knows what comes about next week.

Until later, peace!

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