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Saturday, October 21, 2006

So how do I differeniate myself from the rest


I thought I was original, I thought I was cool, but really I'm just a goofball, I'm just a fool...

I thought creating a blog about cubicle life was unique. So there are TONS of other cubicle dweller blogs.

So, okay, we're all pained to be stuck in a four foot by four foot square with pictures of our kids and Dilbert comics pinned onto some cheap green or gray felt walls.

I won't bitch about it, we're in a bad place.

I will think hard about building some brand awareness. Maybe a T-shirt from Cafe' Press, or some Myspace pages detailing the adventures of Cubicle Man...

Nah...I'm too lazy.

I think we should unite, we each have our own voice from within the cubes. Maybe we can build a super blog about Cubicle Dwelling and the pain and suffering that goes along with it.

Someday I will tell my wife about this crazy habit. For now, it is our little secret.

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Things we like here in the cubicle