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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Watching the Blood letting from a layoff - and continue to work though it all.

If you ever have been a part of a company that has done some layoffs (duh, of course you have) then you know the feeling of "dreary" that encompasses your coworkers and yourself.

I've been through most likely about four layoffs in my cubicle career. I've dodged three of them. Truth be told, it's almost a relief when it comes down.

You know it's you. A package is coming.

What I want to impart on you is that although the mood is absolutely horrendous, you have to slog through it if you're not one of the unlucky many who get the tap on the shoulder. I know, the mood is awful, and just try to get something done now that the layoffs have been handed down.

But you have to try anyway. The sooner the organization gets a sense of normalcy the better you look in the aftermath.

Hey, I'm all about comiserating with your fellow dwellers about the unlucky breaks in the world, but heck man, you didn't get one!

Now get back to work, trust me you'll thank me for it later.

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