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Thursday, August 24, 2006

This city will be a ghost town

Okay, I admit it, I'm a B&T resident, living in NJ. So as said trasher, I am happy to report that I drove through the Lincoln Tunnel to work today in record time 39 minutes to be exact.

What does this signify? Simple, the last hurrah summer vacations are in full swing.

In no uncertain terms, the time I left, driving to work, would have netted me a good hour of commute suffering and pain. The stop start stop start crawl into the Tunnel was actually pleasant as I made it into the mouth of the beast without the usual "What the fuck is this idiot doing?" primal screams that I usually belt out at some ethnic box truck driver.

Even better, the parking lot closest to the bank was actually NOT FULL. Whoo hoo, cheaper rate, and a two minute walk to my elevator!

Anyway, enough of my commute. I hope.

The last hurrah vacations make for a pleasant commute for sure. But, if you want to actually get any work done, you are shit out of luck, because nobody is around.

I have a hard time with this period. I never take vacations and work during these times. So as a professional contractor (yes, laugh away, I make loot though) it's disconcerting because it's in my wiring to actually accomplish something when I'm at work. I can't get anything done!!!! I'm going to get fucking fired!!!!

I know I need therapy, because the people tend to slack, and I tend to overwork. Is that bad?

Anyway, answer my question, my loyal readership, and maybe I'll take you out to lunch.

30 minutes though, I have to get back to work.

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